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A Braereth Grammar

A a


a /a/ prp. at, to, in. A dative pronoun. {{Ath}} when followed by a vowel.
abise /aˈbize/ (Ten.: abis’, Eom.: abis, Mer.: abis) adv. twice, two times.
abreve /aˈbreve/ (Ten.: abrev’, Eom.: abrev, Mer.: aprib) adv. soon, before long.
abvere /aˈvere/ (Ten.: abver, Eom.: aver, Mer.: abil) v.t. to have.
acelju /aˈʧeʎu/ (Ten.: acel’, Eom.: atxelio, Mer.: atsiliu) n.m. bird.
actja /akˈʧa/ (Eom.: atxa, Mer.: akutsa) n.f. action.
addoucere /adˈduːʧere/ (Ten.: addoucer, Eom.: addotxer, Mer.: atútsil) v.t. to bring, to carry toward, to pull toward.
aeru /ai̯ru/ (Ten.: aer, Eom.: éro, Mer.: aliru) n.m. air.
aetrene /ai̯ˈtrene/ (Ten.: aetren’, Eom.: étren, Mer.: alitrin) adv. always, forever.
alju /ˈaʎu/ (Ten.: al’, Eom.: alio, Mer.: aliu) adj. different, other.
alora /aˈlora/ (Mer.: alura) n.f. dawn, daybreak.
amicja /aˈmiʧa/ (Eom.: amitxa, Mer.: amitsa) n.f. friend (female).
amicu /aˈmiku/ (Ten.: amic, Eom.: amico, Mer.: amiku) n.m. friend (male).
amoure /aˈmuːre/ (Ten.: amour’, Eom.: amor, Mer.: amýr) n.f. love.
anju /ˈaɲu/ (Ten.: an’, Eom.: anio, Mer.: aniu) n.m. year.
-anta /-anta/ sfx. -er, -ess, -trix (a suffix added to a verb to form a feminine agentive noun).
-antu /-antu/ (Ten.: -ant, Eom.: -anto) sfx. -ing, -ant (a suffix added to a verb to form an adjective or a deadjetival noun); -er, -or (a suffix added to a verb to form an agentive noun).
aqhma /ˈaxma/ (Eom.: ahma, Mer.: aqma) n.f. spirit, life force; soul.
aqua /ˈakwa/ (Ten.: aqva, Mer.: akua) n.f. water.
asteictjantu /astiːkˈʧantu/ (Ten.: asteictjant, Eom.: astetxanto, Mer.: ítitsantu) adj. prowling, stalking.
asteictjare /astiːkˈʧare/ (Ten.: asteictjar, Eom.: astetxar, Mer.: ítitsal) v.t. to prowl, to stalk, to skluk.
astentire /astenˈtire/ (Ten.: astentir, Eom.: astentir, Mer.: astintil) v.i. to agree.
ath /aθ/ (Mer.: at’) prp. at, to, in.
atru /ˈatru/ (Ten.: atr, Eom.: atro) adj. black.
aubvru /ˈau̯vru/ (Ten.: aubvr, Eom.: aovro, Mer.: alubru) n.m. tree.
aubvu /au̯vu/ (Ten.: aubv, Eom.: aovo, Mer.: alubu) adj. white.
aucunu /au̯ˈkunu/ (Ten.: aucun, Eom.: aocuno, Mer.: alukynu) adj. some, a few.
audire /au̯ˈðire/ (Ten.: audir, Eom.: aodir, Mer.: arutil) v.t. to hear.
autru /ˈau̯tru/ (Ten.: autr, Eom.: aotro, Mer.: alutru) adj. other.
avia /ˈavja/ (Mer.: abila) n.f. grandmother.
aviu /ˈaviu̯/ (Eom.: avio, Mer.: abilu) n.m. grandfather.
avretire /avreˈtire/ (Ten.: avretir, Eom.: avretir, Mer.: abritil) v.t. to warn, to alert.

B b


baclu /ˈbaklu/ (Ten.: bacl, Eom.: baclo, Mer.: pakalu) n.m. stick.
beistja /ˈbiːsʧa/ (Eom.: béxa, Mer.: pítsa) n.f. animal.
benedeictju /beneˈðiːkʧu/ (Ten.: benedeict’, Eom.: benedetxo, Mer.: pinitítsu) adj. blessed; holy, consecrated, sacred.
beou /ˈbeu̯/ (Eom.: beo, Mer.: pilu) adj. beautiful.
bibvere /ˈbivere/ (Ten.: bibver, Eom.: biver, Mer.: pibil) v.t. to drink.
blancu /ˈblaŋku/ (Ten.: blanc, Eom.: blanco, Mer.: planku) adj. white.
bonu /ˈbonu/ (Ten.: bon, Eom.: bono, Mer.: punu) adj. good.
bo’nuictje /bo’ˈnui̯kʧe/ (Ten.: bo’nuict’, Eom.: bo’nútx, Mer.: pu’núts) itj. hello, greetings.
Borju /ˈbor̝u/ (Ten.: Bor’, Eom.: Borio, Mer.: Puriu) n.m. the North Wind, Boreas.
boucsa /ˈbuːksa/ (Eom.: bocsa, Mer.: púksa) n.f. mouth.
breve /ˈbreve/ (Ten.: brev’, Eom.: brev, Mer.: prib) adj. short (in length); short (in time), brief.
briljare /briˈʎare/ (Ten.: briljar, Eom.: briliar, Mer.: plirial) v.i. to shine, to glow.

C c


centrau /ʧenˈtrau̯/ (Eom.: xentrao, Mer.: sintaralu) adj. central.
centru /ˈʧentru/ (Ten.: centr, Eom.: xentro, Mer.: sintaru) n.m. center, middle.
cestare /ʧeˈstare/ (Ten.: cestar, Eom.: xestar, Mer.: sistal) v.i. to stop, to cease.
cindra /ˈʧindra/ (Eom.: xindra, Mer.: sintara) n.f. ash.
cintu /ˈʧintu/ (Ten.: cint, Eom.: xinto, Mer.: sintu) n.m. hundred.
circumilare /ʧirkumiˈlare/ (Ten.: circumilar, Eom.: xircumilar, Mer.: sirkumiral) v.i. to look around, to get one’s bearings.
cjadere /ʧaˈðere/ (Ten.: cjader, Eom.: xader, Mer.: satil) v.i. to fall.
cjaelu /ˈʧai̯lu/ (Ten.: cjael, Eom.: xélo, Mer.: saleru) n.m. sky.
cjaloure /ʧaˈluːre/ (Ten.: cjalour’, Eom.: xalor, Mer.: salýr) n.f. heat.
cjamage /ʧaˈmaʤe/ (Ten.: cjamag’, Eom.: xamadj, Mer.: samats) n.f. spell, charm, incantation.
cjambiare /ʧamˈbjare/ (Ten.: cjambiar, Eom.: xambir, Mer.: sampil) v.t. to change.
cjaminare /ʧamiˈnare/ (Ten.: cjaminar, Eom.: xaminar, Mer.: saminal) v.i. to walk.
cjaminu /ʧaˈminu/ (Ten.: cjamin, Eom.: xamino, Mer.: saminu) n.m. road.
cjanje /ˈʧaɲe/ (Ten.: cjan’, Eom.: xang, Mer.: san) n.m. dog.
cjantare /ʧanˈtare/ (Ten.: cjantar, Eom.: xantar, Mer.: santal) v.t. to sing.
cjantu /ˈʧantu/ (Ten.: cjant, Eom.: xanto, Mer.: santu) n.m. song.
cjapa /ˈʧapa/ (Eom.: xapa, Mer.: sapa) n.f. cape, cloak.
cjapu /ˈʧapu/ (Ten.: cjap, Eom.: xapo, Mer.: sapu) n.m. head.
cjaru /ˈʧaru/ (Ten.: cjar, Eom.: xaro, Mer.: saru) adj. dear, kind, nice.
cjasa /ˈʧaza/ (Eom.: xaza, Mer.: saza) n.f. house.
cjatzu /ˈʧaʣu/ (Ten.: cjatz, Eom.: xadzo, Mer.: sadzu) n.m. cat.
cjaudu /ˈʧau̯ðu/ (Ten.: cjauth, Eom.: xaodo, Mer.: salutu) adj. hot.
cjausa /ˈʧau̯za/ (Eom.: xaoza, Mer.: saluza) n.f. thing, object.
clamare /klaˈmare/ (Ten.: clamar, Eom.: clamar, Mer.: kramal) v.t. to call, to name.
claritate /klariˈtate/ (Ten.: claritat’, Eom.: claritat, Mer.: klaritats) n.f. clarity.
claru /ˈklaru/ (Ten.: clar, Eom.: claro, Mer.: klaru) adj. clear.
clubvra /ˈkluvra/ (Eom.: cluvra, Mer.: krubula) n.f. snake.
coda /ˈkoða/ (Mer.: kuta) n.f. tail.
codjax /koˈʤa/ (Eom.: codjà, Mer.: kudzax) n.f. codia, head of a poppy.
colju /ˈkoʎu/ (Ten.: col’, Eom.: colio, Mer.: kuliu) n.m. neck.
cosure /koˈzure/ (Ten.: cosur, Eom.: cozur, Mer.: kuzul) v.t. to sew.
cou /ku/ (Eom.: co, Mer.: ku) prp. with.
courinta /kuːrinta/ (Eom.: corianta, Mer.: kyrianta) n.f. runner, one who runs (female).
courintu /kuːrintu/ (Ten.: courint, Eom.: coriantu, Mer.: kyriantu) n.m. runner, one who runs (male).
Courintumbrala /kuːrintumˈbrala/ (Eom.: Coriantumbrala, Mer.: Kyriantumbarala) n.f. Shadow Runner (a type of assassin).
Courintumbrau /kuːrintumbrau̯/ (Eom.: Coriantumbrao, Mer.: Kyriantumbaralu) n.m. Shadow Runner (a type of assassin).
courire /kuːˈrire/ (Ten.: courir, Eom.: coriar, Mer.: kyrial) v.i. to run.
couru /ˈkuːru/ (Ten.: cour, Eom.: coro, Mer.: kúru) n.m. heart.
crastu /ˈkrastu/ (Ten.: crast, Eom.: crasto, Mer.: krastu) n.m. fat (noun).
crastu /ˈkrastu/ (Ten.: crast, Eom.: crasto, Mer.: krastu) n.m. the next day, the following day.
creidere /kriːˈðere/ (Ten.: creider, Eom.: creder, Mer.: krítil) v.t. to believe.
creidulu /kriːˈðulu/ (Ten.: creidul, Eom.: credulo, Mer.: krítylu) adj. gullible, credulous, naive.
critare /kriˈtare/ (Ten.: critar, Eom.: critar, Mer.: krital) v.t. to cry out, to shout, to yell.
cronu /ˈkronu/ (Ten.: cron, Eom.: crono, Mer.: krunu) n.m. horn.
cropu /ˈkropu/ (Ten.: crop, Eom.: cropo, Mer.: krupu) n.m. body.
crou /kru/ (Eom.: cruo, Mer.: krú) n.m. leg.
croulu /ˈkruːlu/ (Ten.: croul, Eom.: crolo, Mer.: klyru) n.m. blood; gore.
croulufaectju /kruːluˈfai̯kʧu/ (Ten.: croulufaect’, Eom.: crolofétxo, Mer.: klyrupaletsu) n.m. “blood-made,” one who has been turned into a vampire. Often shortened to simply {faectju}.
croulunatu /kruːluˈnatu/ (Ten.: croulunath, Eom.: crolonato, Mer.: klyrunatu) n.m. blood-born, pure-blood; clan-born (vampire).
culoure /kuˈluːre/ (Ten.: culour’, Eom.: culor, Mer.: kulýr) n.f. colour.
culpa /ˈkulpa/ (Mer.: kylupa) n.f. fault, guilt.

D d


dante /ˈdante/ (Ten.: dant’, Eom.: dant, Mer.: tant) cjt. before.
dare /ˈdare/ (Ten.: dar, Eom.: dar, Mer.: tal) v.t. to give.
de /de/ (Mer.: ti) prp. of, from, about. Before a vowel, {{de}} becomes {{d’}}.
de nemica /de ˈnemika/ (Ten.: denem’, Eom.: de nenca, Mer.: ti ninka) itj. you’re welcome.
de place /de ˈplaʧe/ (Ten.: de plac’, Eom.: de platx, Mer.: ti plats) itj. please.
debvere /deˈvere/ (Ten.: debver, Eom.: dever, Mer.: tibil) v.i. to have to, must.
decraste /deˈkraste/ (Ten.: decrast’, Eom.: decrast, Mer.: tikrasts) adv. tomorrow.
deice /ˈdiːʧe/ (Ten.: deic’, Eom.: dítx, Mer.: títs) num. ten.
demitzere /deˈmiʣere/ (Ten.: demitzer, Eom.: demidzer, Mer.: timidzil) v.t. to put down, to set down.
denc /deŋk/ (Mer.: tink) adv. away, from here, hence.
denouve /deˈnuːve/ (Ten.: denouv’, Eom.: denov, Mer.: tinúb) adv. again, once more, one more time.
dente /ˈdente/ (Ten.: dent’, Eom.: dent, Mer.: tints) n.m. tooth.
destru /ˈdestru/ (Ten.: destr, Eom.: destro, Mer.: tistaru) adj. right.
deu /deu̯/ (Eom.: deo, Mer.: tilu) prp. of the.
deufinu /deu̯ˈfinu/ (Ten.: deufin, Eom.: deofino, Mer.: kulpinu) n.m. dolphin. The Merineth variant is probably influenced by an Iberian source, such as Galician {golfiño}.
deuquilju /deu̯ˈkwiʎu/ (Ten.: deuqvil’, Eom.: deoquilio, Mer.: tilukuiliu) prn. of which, from which.
devestire /deveˈstire/ (Ten.: devestir, Eom.: devestir, Mer.: tibistil) v.t. to strip, to denude.
dicere /diˈʧere/ (Ten.: dicer, Eom.: ditxer, Mer.: titsil) v.t. to say.
disputarese /dispuˈtareze/ (Ten.: disputares’, Eom.: disputarse, Mer.: tisputar-si) v.r. to argue, to disagree, to dispute.
djurnu /ˈʤurnu/ (Ten.: djurn, Eom.: jurno, Mer.: zyrunu) n.m. day.
douce /ˈduːʧe/ (Ten.: douc’, Eom.: dotx, Mer.: tuts) num. twelve. Short form of obsolete {doudice}.
doudice /duːˈðiʧe/ num. twelve. Obsolete long form of {douce}.
dourminte /duːrˈminte/ (Ten.: dourmint’, Eom.: dormint, Mer.: turmints) adj. sleeping.
dourmire /duːrˈmire/ (Ten.: dourmir, Eom.: dormir, Mer.: turumil) v.i. to sleep.
dous /ˈduːs/ (Eom.: dús, Mer.: tús) num. two.
dracu /ˈdraku/ (Ten.: drac, Eom.: draco, Mer.: traku) n.m. dragon.
drosu /ˈdrozu/ (Ten.: droz, Eom.: drozo, Mer.: truzu) n.m. back.

E e


'e /e/ (Eom.: é, Mer.: í) cjt. and. Eth} when followed by a vowel.
ecolax /ekoˈla/ (Eom.: ecolà) itj. hello, hey there!. Only used in the Eomentesa dialect.
ecquilju /ekˈkwiʎu/ (Ten.: ecqvil’, Eom.: ecquilio, Mer.: íkuiliu) det. that (singular); those (plural).
ecquilju /ekˈkwiʎu/ (Ten.: ecqvil’, Eom.: ecquilio, Mer.: íkuiliu) prn. that, that one, that thing (singular); those, those things (plural).
ecquistu /ekˈkwistu/ (Ten.: ecqvist, Eom.: ecquisto, Mer.: íkuistu) det. this (singular); these (plural).
ecquistu /ekˈkwistu/ (Ten.: ecqvist, Eom.: ecquisto, Mer.: íkuistu) prn. this, this one, this thing (singular); these, these things (plural).
ecquix /ekˈkwi/ (Ten.: ecqvix, Eom.: acquì, Mer.: akurix) adv. here.
ecsix /ekˈsi/ (Eom.: acsì, Mer.: aksix) adv. thus, such, as, like.
Emourja /eˈmuːr̝a/ (Eom.: Emoria, Mer.: Imúria) n.f. Emori (a name).
eou /eu̯/ (Eom.: eo, Mer.: ilu) prn. I. First person singular nominative pronoun.
equou /ˈekwu/ (Ten.: ecou, Eom.: equo, Mer.: ikú) n.m. horse.
escire /eˈsʧire/ (Ten.: escir, Eom.: exir, Mer.: isil) v.i. to know (facts).
escjavare /esˈʧavare/ (Ten.: escjavar, Eom.: exavar, Mer.: ítsabal) v.i. to dig, to excavate.
escribvere /eˈskrivere/ (Ten.: escribver, Eom.: escriver, Mer.: iskribil) v.t. to write.
escrocja /eˈskroʧa/ (Eom.: escrotxa, Mer.: íkrutsa) n.f. bark (of a tree).
escusare /eskuˈzare/ (Ten.: escusar, Eom.: escuzar, Mer.: íkuzal) v.t. to excuse, to pardon.
escusateme /eskuˈzateme/ (Ten.: escusatem’, Eom.: escuzateme, Mer.: íkuzati-mi) itj. excuse me, pardon me.
esperare /esperˈare/ (Ten.: esperar, Eom.: esperar, Mer.: ípiral) v.i. to hope.
espina /eˈspina/ (Mer.: ípina) n.f. thorn; spine, spike.
espistu /eˈspistu/ (Ten.: espist, Eom.: espisto, Mer.: ípistu) adj. thick.
espousa /eˈspuːza/ (Eom.: espoza, Mer.: ípuza) n.f. wife, spouse.
espousu /eˈspuːzu/ (Ten.: espouz, Eom.: espozo, Mer.: ípuzu) n.m. husband, spouse.
estare /eˈstare/ (Ten.: estar, Eom.: estar, Mer.: ítal) v.i. to stand; to be at.
estelja /eˈsteʎa/ (Eom.: estelia, Mer.: ítilia) n.f. star.
estere /eˈstere/ (Ten.: ester, Eom.: ester, Mer.: ítil) v.i. to be.
estreictju /eˈstriːkʧu/ (Ten.: estreict’, Eom.: estretxo, Mer.: ítirítsu) adj. narrow.
estrige /eˈstriʤe/ (Ten.: estrig’, Eom.: estridj, Mer.: ítarits) n.b. mage, magus, sorcerer; witch, sorceress. A person who practices illegal magic.
eth /eθ/ (Mer.: it’) cjt. and. A reflex of {e} before a vowel.

F f


facere /faʧere/ (Ten.: facer, Eom.: fatxer, Mer.: patsil) v.t. to do, to make.
faectje /fai̯kʧe/ (Ten.: faect’, Eom.: fétx, Mer.: palits) adj. done, made.
faectju /ˈfai̯kʧu/ (Ten.: faect’, Eom.: fétxo, Mer.: palitsu) n.m. deed, act; {a short form of} {{croulufaectju}}; fact, data point. Past participle of {facere}.
feilice /fiːˈliʧe/ (Ten.: feilic’, Eom.: felitx, Mer.: pílits) adj. happy, glad.
Feilicju /fiːˈliʧu/ (Ten.: Feilic’, Eom.: Felitxo, Mer.: Pílitsu) n.m. Felix (a name).
ferouce /feˈruːʧe/ (Ten.: ferouc’, Eom.: ferotx, Mer.: pirúts) adj. wild, untamed; fierce, ferocious.
filja /ˈfiʎa/ (Eom.: filia, Mer.: pilia) n.f. daughter, child.
filju /ˈfiʎu/ (Ten.: fil’, Eom.: filio, Mer.: piliu) n.m. son, child.
flora /ˈflora/ (Ten.: floura, Mer.: prula) n.f. flower.
flumu /ˈflumu/ (Ten.: flum, Eom.: flumo, Mer.: plymu) n.m. large river.
flure /ˈflure/ (Ten.: flur, Eom.: flur, Mer.: prul) v.i. to flow.
fluviu /ˈfluviu̯/ (Eom.: fluvio, Mer.: plybiru) n.m. stream, creek.
folja /ˈfoʎa/ (Eom.: folia, Mer.: pulia) n.f. leaf.
foucu /ˈfuːku/ (Ten.: fouc, Eom.: foco, Mer.: púku) n.m. fire; fireplace; firepit, campfire.
fredu /ˈfreðu/ (Ten.: freth, Eom.: fredo, Mer.: pritu) adj. cold.
frezjire /freˈʒire/ (Ten.: frezjir, Eom.: frejir, Mer.: prizil) v.t. to lead astray; to deceive.
frigoure /friˈɡuːre/ (Ten.: frigour’, Eom.: frigor, Mer.: plikýr) n.f. cold, chill.
fruictju /ˈfrui̯kʧu/ (Ten.: fruict’, Eom.: frútxo, Mer.: prútsu) n.m. fruit.
fumu /ˈfumu/ (Ten.: fum, Eom.: fumo, Mer.: pymu) n.m. smoke.
fuscu /ˈfusku/ (Ten.: fusc, Eom.: fusco, Mer.: pysku) adj. black; dark.

G g


Gina /ˈʤina/ (Eom.: Jina, Mer.: Zina) n.f. Gina (a name). Hypochoristic form of {Reigina}.
ginclu /ˈʤiŋklu/ (Ten.: gincl, Eom.: jinclo, Mer.: zinkuru) n.m. knee.
gindrau /ʤinˈdrau̯/ (Eom.: jindrao, Mer.: zinturalu) adj. general, non-specific.
gindrau /ʤinˈdrau̯/ (Eom.: jindrao, Mer.: zinturalu) n.m. general, military leader.
ginte /ˈʤinte/ (Ten.: gint’, Eom.: jint, Mer.: zints) n.f. people, folk. Used in the singular.
gjalu /ˈʤalu/ (Ten.: gjal, Eom.: jalo, Mer.: zalu) adj. yellow.
glacja /ˈɡlaʧa/ (Eom.: glatxa, Mer.: klatsa) n.f. ice.
grana /ˈɡrana/ (Mer.: krana) n.f. seed.
grande /ˈɡrande/ (Ten.: grand’, Eom.: grand, Mer.: krants) adj. big, large.
gratjes /ˈɡraʧes/ (Eom.: gratxes, Mer.: kratsis) itj. thank you.
gravu /ˈɡravu/ (Ten.: grav, Eom.: gravo, Mer.: krabu) adj. heavy.
grostu /ˈɡrostu/ (Ten.: grost, Eom.: grosto, Mer.: krustu) adj. thick.

I i


iecru /ˈjekru/ (Ten.: iecr, Eom.: iecro, Mer.: ilikru) n.m. liver.
ignju /ˈiŋɲu/ (Ten.: ign’, Eom.: inio, Mer.: inkuliru) n.m. fire. {Ignju} is fire in an elemental sense – the “stuff” of fire or flames – while {foucu} generally refers to a specific, set fire in a predesignated location, as a camp fire or cooking fire.
ilja /ˈiʎa/ (Eom.: ilia, Mer.: ilia) prn. she, it. Third person singular feminine pronoun.
iljax /iˈʎa/ (Eom.: alià, Mer.: aliax) adv. there.
iljes /ˈiʎes/ (Eom.: ilies, Mer.: ilis) prn. they. Third person plural feminine pronoun.
iljis /ˈiʎis/ (Eom.: ilis, Mer.: ilis) prn. they. Third person plural masculine pronoun.
ilju /ˈiʎu/ (Ten.: il’, Eom.: ilio, Mer.: iliu) prn. he, it. Third person singular masculine pronoun.
immourtau /immuːrˈtau̯/ (Eom.: imortao, Mer.: imuritalu) adj. immortal, undying.
in /in/ prp. in.
incindrare /inˈʧindrare/ (Ten.: incindrar, Eom.: intxindrar, Mer.: intsintral) v.t. to light, to set fire to, to start a fire.
incjantare /inʧanˈtare/ (Ten.: incjantar, Eom.: intxantar, Mer.: intsantal) v.t. to cast a spell, to enchant.
infante /inˈfante/ (Ten.: infant’, Eom.: infant, Mer.: impants) n.m. child.
ire /ˈire/ (Ten.: ir, Eom.: ir, Mer.: il) v.i. to go.
iustu /ˈiu̯stu/ (Ten.: iust, Eom.: iusto) adj. correct.

L l


la /la/ prn. her. Third person singular feminine direct objective pronoun. Becomes {{l’}} before a vowel.
la /la/ det. the. The feminine singular definite article. Becomes {{l’}} before a vowel.
lacu /ˈlaku/ (Ten.: lac, Eom.: laco, Mer.: laku) n.m. lake.
lae /lai̯/ (Eom.: , Mer.: lari) prn. her, to her. Third person singular feminine indirect objective pronoun.
laectje /ˈlai̯kʧe/ (Ten.: laect’, Eom.: létx, Mer.: larits) n.m. milk.
lancjare /ˈlanʧare/ (Ten.: lancjar, Eom.: lantxar, Mer.: rantsal) v.t. to throw.
lapide /ˈlapiðe/ (Ten.: lapid’, Eom.: lapid, Mer.: lapits) n.m. stone.
lavare /laˈvare/ (Ten.: lavar, Eom.: lavar, Mer.: rabal) v.t. to wash.
le /le/ (Mer.: li) prn. him. Third person singular masculine direct objective pronoun. Becomes {{l’}} before a vowel.
lei /li/ (Eom.: le, Mer.: li) prn. him, to him. Third person singular masculine indirect objective pronoun.
les /les/ (Mer.: lis) det. the. The feminine plural definite article.
levare /leˈvare/ (Ten.: levar, Eom.: levar, Mer.: ribal) v.t. to lift, to raise up.
levarse /leˈvarze/ (Ten.: levares’, Eom.: levar se, Mer.: ribal-si) v.r. to rise, to get up.
leve /ˈleve/ (Ten.: lev, Eom.: lev, Mer.: lib) adj. smooth.
ligare /liˈɡare/ (Ten.: ligar, Eom.: ligar, Mer.: rikal) v.t. to tie.
lingua /ˈliŋɡua/ (Mer.: linkua) n.f. tongue.
lintu /ˈlintu/ (Ten.: lint, Eom.: linto) adj. slow.
lis /lis/ det. the. The masculine plural definite article.
ljes /ˈʎes/ (Eom.: lies, Mer.: lís) prn. them. Third person plural feminine direct object pronoun.
ljis /ˈʎis/ (Eom.: lis, Mer.: lís) prn. them. Third person plural masculine direct object pronoun.
locu /ˈloku/ (Ten.: loc, Eom.: loco, Mer.: luku) n.m. place, area, location.
louc /luːk/ (Eom.: loc, Mer.: lúk) itj. yes (“yuh-huh,” “is too”). Refuting a negative statement.
loucentaminte /luːˈʧentaminte/ (Ten.: loucentamint’, Eom.: lotxentamint, Mer.: lútsintamints) adv. brightly, brilliantly.
loucentu /luːˈʧentu/ (Ten.: loucent, Eom.: lotxento, Mer.: lútsintu) adj. bright, brilliant.
loumina /luːmina/ (Eom.: lumina, Mer.: lúmina) n.f. candle. Clipped form of {louminarja}.
louminarja /luːmiˈnar̝a/ (Eom.: luminaria, Mer.: lúminaria) n.f. candle.
louncjanu /luːnˈʧanu/ (Ten.: louncjan, Eom.: lontxano, Mer.: lúntsanu) adj. far.
loungu /ˈluːŋɡu/ (Ten.: loung, Eom.: longo, Mer.: lúnku) adj. long.
loupu /ˈluːpu/ (Ten.: loup, Eom.: lupo, Mer.: lúpu) n.m. wolf.
lour /luːr/ (Eom.: lor, Mer.: lúr) prn. them, to them. Third person plural indirect object pronoun.
louru /ˈluːru/ (Ten.: lour, Eom.: loro, Mer.: lúru) adj. their, theirs. Third person plural possessive adjective.
lu /ˈlu/ (Eom.: lo) det. the. The masculine singular definite article. Becomes {{l’}} before a vowel.
luictjare /lui̯kˈʧare/ (Ten.: luictjar, Eom.: lútxar, Mer.: lútsal) v.t. to fight.
luna /ˈluna/ (Mer.: lyna) n.f. moon.
lustru /lustru/ (Ten.: lustr, Eom.: lustro, Mer.: lystaru) n.m. den, lair.

M m


macru /ˈmakru/ (Ten.: macr, Eom.: macro, Mer.: makru) adj. thin.
maes /mai̯s/ (Eom.: més, Mer.: malis) adv. more.
mage /ˈmaʤe/ (Ten.: mag’, Eom.: madj, Mer.: mats) n.b. mage, magus, sorcerer; witch, sorceress. A person who practices legal magic.
magnu /ˈmaŋnu/ (Ten.: magn, Eom.: mangano, Mer.: mankalu) adj. great.
manu /ˈmanu/ (Ten.: man, Eom.: mano) n.m. hand.
maou /ˈmau̯/ (Eom.: mao, Mer.: malu) adj. bad, evil, wicked.
mare /ˈmare/ (Ten.: mar’, Eom.: mar, Mer.: mal) n.m. sea.
maritu /maˈritu/ (Ten.: marith, Eom.: marito) n.m. husband, spouse.
matra /ˈmatra/ n.f. mother.
matzinu /maˈʣinu/ (Ten.: matzin, Eom.: madzino, Mer.: madzinu) n.m. morning.
maudeictja /mau̯ˈðiːkʧa/ (Eom.: maodétxa, Mer.: marutítsa) n.f. curse, malediction, condemnation.
maudeictju /mau̯ˈðiːkʧu/ (Ten.: maudeict’, Eom.: maodétxo, Mer.: malutítsu) adj. cursed.
maudire /mau̯ˈðire/ (Ten.: maudir, Eom.: maodir, Mer.: marutil) v.t. to curse, to cast a curse.
me /me/ (Mer.: mi) prn. me. First person singular direct objective pronoun. Becomes {{m’}} before a vowel.
mei /mi/ (Eom.: me, Mer.: ) prn. me, to me. First person singular indirect objective pronoun.
meiljour /miːˈʎuːr/ (Eom.: melior, Mer.: míliúr) adv. better.
meinte /ˈmiːnte/ (Ten.: meint’, Eom.: ment, Mer.: mínt) n.f. mind.
mengjare /menˈʤare/ (Ten.: mengjar, Eom.: mandjar, Mer.: mandzal) v.t. to eat.
meou /ˈmeu̯/ (Eom.: meo, Mer.: milu) n.m. honey.
merces /merˈʧes/ (Eom.: mertxes, Mer.: miratsis) itj. thank you.
meu /meu̯/ (Eom.: meo, Mer.: mibu) adj. my, mine. First person singular possessive adjective.
midju /ˈmiʤu/ (Ten.: mid’, Eom.: medjo, Mer.: midzu) n.m. half, half-way.
midjunatu /miʤuˈnatu/ (Ten.: midjunath, Eom.: medjonato, Mer.: midzunatu) n.m. half-blood, one of mixed race (witch and vampire).
milare /miˈlare/ (Ten.: milar, Eom.: milar, Mer.: miral) v.t. to look at, to regard.
milje /miʎe/ (Ten.: mil’, Eom.: mil, Mer.: mil) n.f. thousand.
-minte /-minte/ (Ten.: -mint’, Eom.: -mint, Mer.: -mints) sfx. -ly, in such manner, thus. A suffix which converts adjectives into adverbs.
misgerith /misɡˈeriθ/ (Ten.: misqherith, Eom.: misgérith, Mer.: miskarit’) itj. I’m sorry.
mitoure /miˈtuːre/ (Ten.: mitour’, Eom.: mitor, Mer.: mitúl) n.f. fear.
miture /miˈture/ (Ten.: mitur, Eom.: mitur, Mer.: mityl) v.t. to fear, to be afraid of.
mitzere /ˈmiʣere/ (Ten.: mitzer, Eom.: midzer, Mer.: midzil) v.t. to put, to place.
montu /ˈmontu/ (Ten.: mont, Eom.: monto, Mer.: muntu) n.m. mountain.
mordere /morˈðere/ (Ten.: morder, Eom.: morder, Mer.: murutil) v.t. to bite.
moulire /muːˈlire/ (Ten.: moulir, Eom.: molir, Mer.: múril) v.i. to die.
mouljatu /muːˈʎatu/ (Ten.: mouljath, Eom.: moliato, Mer.: múliatu) adj. wet.
mourte /ˈmuːrte/ (Ten.: mourt’, Eom.: mort, Mer.: mýrt) n.f. death.
moutu /ˈmuːtu/ (Ten.: mouth, Eom.: múto, Mer.: mútu) adj. much (in the singular); many (in the plural).
mouvere /muːˈvere/ (Ten.: mouver, Eom.: mover, Mer.: múbil) v.t. to move.
muljera /muˈʎera/ (Eom.: muliera, Mer.: mulíra) n.f. woman.

N n


n’ /n’/ det. a, an. The masculine or feminine singular indefinite article before a vowel.
n’ /n’/ prn. us. First person plural direct object pronoun {{ne}} before a vowel.
narcja /ˈnarʧa/ (Eom.: nartxa, Mer.: naritsa) n.f. nose.
nascere /nasˈʧere/ (Ten.: nascer, Eom.: naxer, Mer.: nastsil) v.i. to be born.
natare /naˈtare/ (Ten.: natar, Eom.: natar, Mer.: natal) v.i. to swim.
natu /ˈnatu/ (Ten.: nath, Eom.: nato) adj. born.
ne /ne/ (Mer.: ni) prn. us. First person plural direct object pronoun. Becomes {{n’}} before a vowel.
neipila /ˈniːpila/ (Eom.: nepila, Mer.: nípila) n.f. granddaughter.
neipilu /ˈniːpilu/ (Ten.: neipil, Eom.: nepilo, Mer.: nípilu) n.m. grandson, grandchild.
nemica /ˈnemika/ (Mer.: nimika) prn. nothing.
nibvula /ˈnivula/ (Eom.: nivula, Mer.: nibula) n.f. fog, mist.
nicjare /niˈʧare/ (Ten.: nicjar, Eom.: nitxar, Mer.: nitsal) v.t. to kill.
nila /nila/ (Eom.: nela) prp. in the.
nimbu /ˈnimbu/ (Ten.: nimb, Eom.: nimbo, Mer.: nimpu) n.m. cloud.
nime /ˈnime/ (Ten.: nim’, Eom.: nim, Mer.: nim) adv. too, too much, excessively.
niou /nju/ (Eom.: neo, Mer.: nilu) prp. in the.
nive /ˈnive/ (Ten.: niv’, Eom.: név, Mer.: nib) n.f. snow.
njocja /ˈɲoʧa/ (Eom.: niotxa, Mer.: niutsa) n.f. nut, seed.
nominu /ˈnominu/ (Ten.: nomin, Eom.: nomino, Mer.: numinu) n.m. name.
normau /normau̯/ (Eom.: normao, Mer.: nurmalu) adj. normal, regular, standard.
nou /nu/ (Eom.: no, Mer.: ) adv. no, not.
nouce /ˈnuːʧe/ (Ten.: nouc’, Eom.: notx, Mer.: nuts) num. nineteen. Short form of obsolete {nouvedice}.
nounante /nuːˈnante/ (Ten.: nounant’, Eom.: nonant, Mer.: nunants) num. ninety.
nous /ˈnuːs/ (Eom.: nos, Mer.: nús) prn. we. First person plural pronoun.
nousautris /nuːˈzau̯tris/ (Eom.: nozaotris) prn. we. First person plural pronoun. In classical Braereth, this was used as an exclusive pronoun. In the modern language, this is used exclusively in the Eomentesa dialect.
noustru /ˈnuːstru/ (Ten.: noustr, Eom.: nostro, Mer.: nústru) adj. our, ours. First person plural possessive adjective.
nouve /ˈnuːve/ (Ten.: nouv’, Eom.: nov, Mer.: nyb) num. nine.
nouvedice /ˈnuːveðiʧe/ num. nineteen. Obsolete long form of {nouce}.
nouvu /ˈnuːvu/ (Ten.: nouv, Eom.: novo, Mer.: núbu) adj. new.
nuictje /ˈnui̯kʧe/ (Ten.: nuict’, Eom.: nútx, Mer.: núts) n.f. night.
numaes /nuˈmai̯s/ (Eom.: numés, Mer.: numalis) adv. only, just, no more than.

O o


obligjare /obliˈʤare/ (Ten.: obligjar, Eom.: oblidjar, Mer.: upridzal) v.t. to compel, to obligate.
oblitzeratja /obliʣeˈraʧa/ (Eom.: oblidzeratxa, Mer.: uplidziratsa) n.f. obliteration, destruction.
ora /ˈora/ (Mer.: ura) n.f. mouth.
ostu /ˈostu/ (Ten.: ost, Eom.: osto, Mer.: ustu) n.m. bone.
ouclu /ˈuːklu/ (Ten.: oucl, Eom.: oclo, Mer.: úklu) n.m. eye.
oulere /uːˈlere/ (Ten.: ouler, Eom.: oler, Mer.: úril) v.t. to smell.
oupretu /uːˈpretu/ (Ten.: oupreth, Eom.: opreto, Mer.: úpritu) n.m. secret.
ouvu /ˈuːvu/ (Ten.: ouv, Eom.: ovo, Mer.: úbu) n.m. egg.

P p


patru /ˈpatru/ (Ten.: patr, Eom.: patro) n.m. father.
peictju /ˈpiːkʧu/ (Ten.: peict’, Eom.: petxo, Mer.: pítsu) n.m. chest, breast.
pelja /ˈpeʎa/ (Eom.: pelia, Mer.: pilia) n.f. skin.
pelju /ˈpeʎu/ (Ten.: pel’, Eom.: pelio, Mer.: piliu) n.m. hair.
perqueix /perˈkwi/ (Ten.: perqveix, Eom.: perquè, Mer.: pirakuix) cjt. because.
pide /ˈpiðe/ (Ten.: pid’, Eom.: pid, Mer.: pits) n.m. foot.
pingere /pinˈʤere/ (Ten.: pinger, Eom.: pindjer, Mer.: pindzil) v.t. to push.
pinsare /pinˈsare/ (Ten.: pinsar, Eom.: pinsar, Mer.: pintsal) v.i. to think.
pisce /ˈpisʧe/ (Ten.: pisc’, Eom.: pix, Mer.: pis) n.m. fish.
pitra /ˈpitra/ n.f. stone.
pitzitu /piˈʣitu/ (Ten.: pitzith, Eom.: pedzito, Mer.: pidzitu) adj. small.
placere /plaˈʧere/ (Ten.: placer, Eom.: platxer, Mer.: pratsil) v.t. to please, to make happy.
plenu /ˈplenu/ (Ten.: plen, Eom.: pleno, Mer.: plinu) adj. full.
plouvere /ˈpluːvere/ (Ten.: plouver, Eom.: plover, Mer.: plúbil) v.i. to rain.
plui /plui̯/ (Eom.: plú, Mer.: plú) adv. more, most.
pluma /ˈpluma/ (Mer.: plyma) n.f. feather.
pluvia /ˈpluvja/ (Mer.: plybia) n.f. rain.
pocu /ˈpoku/ (Ten.: poc, Eom.: poco, Mer.: puku) adj. few.
poucru /ˈpuːkru/ (Ten.: poucr, Eom.: pocro, Mer.: púkru) adj. beautiful.
pour /puːr/ (Eom.: por, Mer.: púr) prp. for.
poutere /puːˈtere/ (Ten.: pouter, Eom.: poter, Mer.: pútil) v.i. to be able, can.
poutestentu /puːteˈstentu/ (Ten.: poutestent, Eom.: potestento, Mer.: pútistintu) adj. powerful.
premitzere /preˈmiʣere/ (Ten.: premitzer, Eom.: premidzer, Mer.: primidzil) v.t. to permit, to let, to allow.
prena /ˈprena/ (Mer.: prina) n.f. leg.
presintare /prezinˈtare/ (Ten.: presintar, Eom.: prezintar, Mer.: prizintal) v.t. to present, to introduce.
presona /preˈzona/ (Eom.: prezona, Mer.: pirazuna) n.f. person.
primere /priˈmere/ (Ten.: primer’, Eom.: primer, Mer.: primil) adv. first, firstly, before all others.
procime /proˈʧime/ (Ten.: procim’, Eom.: protxim, Mer.: prutsim) adj. near.
proclamare /proklaˈmare/ (Ten.: proclamar, Eom.: proclamar, Mer.: pruklamal) v.t. to proclaim, to announce, to declare.
puilja /ˈpui̯ʎa/ (Eom.: púlia, Mer.: púlia) n.f. girl, child.
puilju /ˈpui̯ʎu/ (Ten.: puil’, Eom.: púlio, Mer.: púliu) n.m. boy, child.
pulvu /ˈpulvu/ (Ten.: pulv, Eom.: pulvo, Mer.: pylubu) n.m. dust.
pungere /punˈʤere/ (Ten.: punger, Eom.: pundjer, Mer.: pundzil) v.t. to stab.

Q q


qhacla /ˈxakla/ (Eom.: acla, Mer.: qakla) n.f. cape, cloak, riding cloak.
qheru /ˈxeru/ (Ten.: qher, Eom.: ero, Mer.: qiru) n.m. deer, cervid.
qhistre /ˈxistre/ (Ten.: qhistr, Eom.: istre, Mer.: qistil) adv. yesterday.
qua /kwa/ (Ten.: qva, Mer.: kua) cjt. that.
quandu /ˈkwandu/ (Ten.: qvand, Eom.: quando, Mer.: kuantu) adv. when.
quarante /kwaˈrante/ (Ten.: qvarant’, Eom.: quarant, Mer.: kularants) num. forty.
quarce /ˈkwarʧe/ (Ten.: qvarc’, Eom.: quartx, Mer.: klaruts) num. fourteen. Short form of obsolete {quardice}.
quardice /ˈkwarðiʧe/ num. fourteen. Obsolete long form of {quarce}.
quatru /ˈkwatru/ (Ten.: qvatr, Eom.: quatro, Mer.: kulatru) num. four.
quaucu /ˈkwau̯ku/ (Ten.: qvauc, Eom.: quaoco, Mer.: kualuku) adj. some, an unknown instance of.
quazina /ˈkwazina/ (Ten.: qvazjina, Mer.: kulazina) n.f. quiver (for arrows).
quei /kwi/ (Ten.: qvei, Eom.: que, Mer.: kurí) prn. what.
qui /kwi/ (Ten.: qvi, Mer.: kuri) prn. who.
quince /ˈkwinʧe/ (Ten.: qvinc’, Eom.: quintx, Mer.: kulints) num. fifteen. Short form of obsolete {quindice}.
quindice /ˈkwindiʧe/ num. fifteen. Obsolete long form of {quince}.
quintzante /kwinˈʦante/ (Ten.: qvintzant’, Eom.: quintzant, Mer.: kulinsants) num. fifty.
quomu /ˈkwomu/ (Ten.: qvom, Eom.: quomo, Mer.: kúmu) adv. how.
quondix /kwonˈdi/ (Eom.: quondì, Mer.: kuluntix) adv. where. An interrogative particle.

R r


racsountare /raksuːnˈtare/ (Ten.: racsountar, Eom.: racsontar, Mer.: raksúntal) v.t. to tell, to recount, to tell a story, to narrate.
radjicja /raˈʤiʧa/ (Eom.: radjitxa, Mer.: radzitsa) n.f. root.
reictju /ˈriːkʧu/ (Ten.: reict’, Eom.: retxo, Mer.: rítsu) adj. straight, even; right, corrrect.
Reigina /riːˈʤina/ (Eom.: Redjina, Mer.: Rídzina) n.f. Regina (a name).
reigina /riːˈʤina/ (Eom.: redjina, Mer.: rídzina) n.f. queen.
reigu /ˈriːɡu/ (Ten.: reig, Eom.: rego, Mer.: ríku) n.m. king.
respilare /respiˈlare/ (Ten.: respilar, Eom.: respilar, Mer.: rípiral) v.i. to breathe.
ribveu /riˈveu̯/ (Eom.: riveo, Mer.: ribilu) n.m. level.
ridere /riˈðere/ (Ten.: rider, Eom.: rider, Mer.: ritil) v.i. to laugh.
ripa /ˈripa/ n.f. shore, sea shore, coast.
rivu /ˈrivu/ (Ten.: riv, Eom.: rivo, Mer.: ribu) n.m. river.
rosa /ˈroza/ (Eom.: roza, Mer.: ruza) n.f. rose.
rotundu /roˈtundu/ (Ten.: rotund, Eom.: rotundo, Mer.: rutyntu) adj. round, circular.
roubvidu /ruːˈviðu/ (Ten.: roubvith, Eom.: rovido, Mer.: rúbitu) adj. dark red, crimson.
rouvu /ˈruːvu/ (Ten.: rouv, Eom.: rovo, Mer.: rúbu) adj. red-haired, red-headed.
rubvlu /ˈruvlu/ (Ten.: rubvl, Eom.: ruvlo, Mer.: ryblu) adj. red.
rustu /ˈrustu/ (Ten.: rust, Eom.: rusto, Mer.: rystu) adj. reddish-brown, russet.

S s


s’ /s’/ prn. himself, herself, itself, oneself. Third person reflexive direct object pronoun (se) before a vowel.
sabvlu /ˈsavlu/ (Ten.: sabvl, Eom.: savlo, Mer.: sablu) n.m. sand.
salut /saˈlut/ itj. hello, hi!.
salute /saˈlute/ (Ten.: salut’, Eom.: salut) itj. hello, hi!; cheers, to your health!.
sangue /ˈsaŋɡue/ (Eom.: sango, Mer.: sanku) n.m. blood.
saou /sau̯/ (Eom.: sao, Mer.: salu) n.m. salt.
sautare /sau̯ˈtare/ (Ten.: sautar, Eom.: saotar, Mer.: salutal) v.i. to jump, to leap.
sauve /ˈsau̯ve/ (Ten.: saou, Eom.: saov, Mer.: salub) itj. hello, greetings.
se /se/ (Mer.: si) prn. himself, herself. Third person singular reflexive direct objective pronoun. Becomes {{s’}} before a vowel.
secjare /seˈʧare/ (Ten.: secjar, Eom.: setxar, Mer.: sitsal) v.t. to cut.
secrita /seˈkrita/ (Mer.: sikrita) n.f. secret.
sedere /seˈðere/ (Ten.: seder, Eom.: seder, Mer.: sitil) v.i. to sit.
sei /si/ (Eom.: se, Mer.: ) prn. to himself, to herself. Third person singular reflexive indirect objective pronoun.
seice /ˈsiːʧe/ (Ten.: seic’, Eom.: setx, Mer.: síts) num. sixteen. Short form of obsolete {seidice}.
seidice /ˈsiːðiʧe/ num. sixteen. Obsolete long form of {seice}.
seigne /ˈsiːŋne/ (Ten.: seign’, Eom.: séng, Mer.: sínikle) adj. slow, impeded, hindered.
seimpre /ˈsiːmpre/ (Ten.: seimpr, Eom.: sémpre, Mer.: símpra) adv. always, forever.
seis /ˈsiːs/ (Eom.: sís, Mer.: sís) num. six.
sesante /seˈzante/ (Ten.: sesant’, Eom.: sezant, Mer.: sizants) num. sixty.
setante /seˈtante/ (Ten.: setant’, Eom.: setant, Mer.: sitants) num. seventy.
setece /seˈteʧe/ (Ten.: setec’, Eom.: setetx, Mer.: satits) num. seventeen. Short form of obsolete {setedici}.
setedice /seˈteðiʧe/ num. seventeen. Obsolete long form of {setece}.
setje /ˈseʧe/ (Ten.: set’, Eom.: setx, Mer.: sats) num. seven.
seu /seu̯/ (Eom.: seo, Mer.: silu) adj. his, her, hers, its. Third person singular possessive adjective.
seuva /ˈseu̯va/ (Eom.: seova, Mer.: siluba) n.f. forest.
si /si/ cjt. if.
sicsu /ˈsiksu/ (Ten.: sics, Eom.: sicso, Mer.: siksu) adj. dry.
simeu /siˈmeu̯/ (Eom.: simeo, Mer.: similu) adv. once, one time.
sinistru /siˈnistru/ (Ten.: sinistr, Eom.: sinistro, Mer.: sinisturu) adj. left.
sji /ʃi/ (Eom.: xi, Mer.: si) itj. yes (agree), affrimative.
solicru /soˈlikru/ (Ten.: solicr, Eom.: solicro, Mer.: sulikru) n.m. sun.
sougere /suːˈʤere/ (Ten.: souger, Eom.: sodjer, Mer.: súdzil) v.t. to suck.
soulu /ˈsuːlu/ (Ten.: soul, Eom.: solo, Mer.: súlu) n.m. earth, soil, dirt.
soutzilu /suːˈʣilu/ (Ten.: soutzil, Eom.: sodzilo, Mer.: súdzilu) adj. thin.
stora /ˈstora/ (Mer.: stura) adv. now, at this time.
subvitanje /suviˈtaɲe/ (Ten.: subvitan’, Eom.: suvitang, Mer.: subitan) adv. suddenly.
sur /sur/ (Mer.: syr) prp. on, upon, on top of.
sustinere /sustiˈnere/ (Ten.: sustiner, Eom.: sustiner, Mer.: sustinil) v.t. to sustain, to support, to maintain.

T t


t’ /t’/ prn. you. Second person singular direct object pronoun (te) before a vowel.
te /te/ (Mer.: ti) prn. you. Second person singular direct objective pronoun. Becomes {{t’}} before a vowel.
tei /ti/ (Eom.: te, Mer.: ) prn. you, to you. Second person singular indirect objective pronoun.
teljare /teˈʎare/ (Ten.: teljar, Eom.: teliar, Mer.: tilial) v.t. to cut.
tenibvra /teˈnivra/ (Eom.: tenivra, Mer.: tinibra) n.f. darkness, obscurity.
terja /ˈter̝a/ (Eom.: teria, Mer.: tiria) n.f. earth, soil, ground; the Earth.
teu /teu̯/ (Eom.: teo, Mer.: tilu) adj. your, yours. Second person singular possessive adjective.
timere /tiˈmere/ (Ten.: timer, Eom.: timer, Mer.: timil) v.t. to fear.
tinere /tiˈnere/ (Ten.: tiner, Eom.: tiner, Mer.: tinil) v.t. to hold.
tjaou /ˈʧau̯/ (Eom.: xao, Mer.: salu) itj. hello; good-bye. In the Merineth dialect this is sometimes pronounced as {salut}, with influence from {{salute}}, though it actually comes from {{sauve}}.
tournare /tuːrˈnare/ (Ten.: tournar, Eom.: tornar, Mer.: turinal) v.i. to return, to come back.
tragere /traˈʤere/ (Ten.: trager, Eom.: tradjer, Mer.: tradzil) v.t. to pull.
treice /ˈtriːʧe/ (Ten.: treic’, Eom.: tretx, Mer.: trits) num. thirteen. Short form of obsolete {treidice}.
treidice /triːˈðiʧe/ num. thirteen. Obsolete long form of {treice}.
treinctje /ˈtriːŋkʧe/ (Ten.: treinct’, Eom.: trentx, Mer.: trínts) num. thirty.
treis /ˈtriːs/ (Eom.: trís, Mer.: trís) num. three.
tretju /ˈtreʧu/ (Ten.: tret’, Eom.: tretxo, Mer.: tritsu) adj. third.
troupare /truːˈpare/ (Ten.: troupar, Eom.: tropar, Mer.: trúpal) v.t. to find, to locate.
tu /tu/ prn. you, thou. Second person singular nominative pronoun.
tutu /ˈtutu/ (Ten.: tuth, Eom.: tuto, Mer.: tytu) adj. all.
tzeiru /ˈʦiːru/ (Ten.: tzeir, Eom.: sero, Mer.: síru) num. zero, nil.
tzince /ˈʦinʧe/ (Ten.: tzinc’, Eom.: sintx, Mer.: sints) num. five.

U u


ubvi /ˈuvi/ (Mer.: ybi) adv. where. In the Eomentesa dialect, {ubvi} is not used and instead {quondix} is used exclusively.
uictante /ui̯kˈtante/ (Ten.: victant’, Eom.: úctant, Mer.: últants) num. eighty.
uictjou /ˈui̯kʧu/ (Ten.: victjou, Eom.: útxo, Mer.: útsu) num. eight.
uictoce /ui̯kˈtoʧe/ (Ten.: victoc’, Eom.: uctotx, Mer.: ututs) num. eighteen. Short form of obsolete {uictodice}.
uictodice /ui̯kˈtoðiʧe/ num. eighteen. Obsolete long form of {uictoce}.
umbra /ˈumbra/ (Mer.: ympura) n.f. shadow, shade.
umbrau /umˈbrau̯/ (Eom.: umbrao, Mer.: ympuralu) adj. shadowy, shady, shadowed.
un /un/ det. a, an. The masculine singular indefinite article. Becomes {n’} before a vowel.
una /ˈuna/ det. a, an. The feminine singular indefinite article. Becomes {n’} before a vowel.
unce /ˈunʧe/ (Ten.: unc’, Eom.: untx, Mer.: ynts) num. eleven. Short form of obsolete {undice}.
unda /ˈunda/ (Mer.: ynta) n.f. wave.
undice /unˈdiʧe/ num. eleven. Obsolete long form of {unce}.
undix /unˈdi/ (Eom.: undì, Mer.: yntix) adv. from where, whence. A relative conjunction.
unes /ˈunes/ (Mer.: unis) det. some. The feminine plural indefinite article. Plural of {una}.
unis /ˈunis/ det. some. The masculine plural indefinite article. Plural of {un}.
unu /ˈunu/ (Ten.: un, Eom.: uno, Mer.: ynu) num. one.
uricla /uˈrikla/ (Eom.: oricla, Mer.: urikla) n.f. ear.
usco /ˈusko/ (Mer.: ysku) prp. until, up to.

V v


v’ /v’/ (Mer.: b’) prn. you, you all. Second person plural direct object pronoun (ve) before a vowel.
vagu /ˈvaɡu/ (Ten.: vag, Eom.: vago, Mer.: baku) adj. wandering, rambling, roaming.
ve /ve/ (Mer.: bi) prn. you, you all. Second person plural direct object pronoun.
veictjouru /ˈviːkʧuːru/ (Ten.: veictjour, Eom.: vétxoro, Mer.: bítsúru) n.m. victor, winner.
veilju /ˈviːʎu/ (Ten.: veil’, Eom.: velio, Mer.: bíliu) adj. old.
velocitate /veloʧiˈtate/ (Ten.: velocitat’, Eom.: velotxitat, Mer.: bilutsitats) n.f. speed, velocity.
veste /ˈveste/ (Ten.: vest’, Eom.: vest, Mer.: bist) n.m. clothes, clothing.
veuce /ˈveu̯ʧe/ (Ten.: veuc’, Eom.: veotx, Mer.: biluts) adj. fast, rapid.
videre /viˈðere/ (Ten.: vider, Eom.: vider, Mer.: bitil) v.t. to see.
vinctje /ˈviŋkʧe/ (Ten.: vinct’, Eom.: vintx, Mer.: bints) num. twenty.
vinctje-dous /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈduːs/ (Eom.: vintxe-dús, Mer.: bintsi-týs) num. twenty-two.
vinctje-nouve /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈnuːve/ (Ten.: vinctje-nouv, Eom.: vintxe-nov, Mer.: bintsi-nyb) num. twenty-nine.
vinctje-quatru /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈkwatru/ (Ten.: vinctje-qvatr, Eom.: vintxe-quatro, Mer.: bintsi-kulatru) num. twenty-four.
vinctje-seis /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈsiːs/ (Eom.: vintxe-sís, Mer.: bintsi-sís) num. twenty-six.
vinctje-setje /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈseʧe/ (Ten.: vinctje-set’, Eom.: vintxe-setx, Mer.: bintsi-sats) num. twenty-seven.
vinctjeth-uictjou /ˈviŋkʧeθ-ˈui̯kʧu/ (Ten.: vinctje-victjou, Eom.: vintxeth-útxo, Mer.: bintsit’-útsú) num. twenty-eight.
vinctjeth-unu /ˈviŋkʧeθ-ˈunu/ (Ten.: vinctjeth-un, Eom.: vintxeth-uno, Mer.: bintsit’-ynu) num. twenty-one.
vinctje-treis /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈtriːs/ (Eom.: vintxe-trís, Mer.: bintsi-trís) num. twenty-three.
vinctje-tzince /ˈviŋkʧe-ˈʦinʧe/ (Ten.: vinctje-tzinc’, Eom.: vintxe-sintx, Mer.: bintsi-sints) num. twenty-five.
vinire /viˈnire/ (Ten.: vinir, Eom.: vinir, Mer.: binil) v.i. to come.
vintu /ˈvintu/ (Ten.: vint, Eom.: vinto, Mer.: bintu) n.m. wind.
virace /viˈraʧe/ (Ten.: virac’, Eom.: viratx, Mer.: birats) adj. true, truthful, real.
vire /ˈvire/ (Ten.: vir’, Eom.: vir, Mer.: bil) adv. really, truly, genuinely.
virtecroulu /virteˈkruːlu/ (Ten.: virtecroul, Eom.: virtecrolo, Mer.: biritikrúlu) n.m. “turn-blood,” one who has been turned into a vampire.
virtere /virˈtere/ (Ten.: virter, Eom.: virter, Mer.: biritil) v.i. to turn.
viru /ˈviru/ (Ten.: vir, Eom.: viro, Mer.: biru) n.m. man (adult male).
visti- /visti-/ (Mer.: bisti-) pfx. were-, -serker, shapeshifter.
vistidracu /vistiˈðraku/ (Ten.: vistidrac, Eom.: vistidraco, Mer.: bistitraku) n.m. were-dragon.
vistiloupu /vistiˈluːpu/ (Ten.: vistiloup, Eom.: vistilupo, Mer.: bistilúpu) n.m. werewolf, lycanthrope.
vitjousu /viˈʧuːzu/ (Ten.: vitjouz, Eom.: vitxozo, Mer.: bitsúzu) adj. vicious, violent.
vivere /viˈvere/ (Ten.: viver, Eom.: viver, Mer.: bibil) v.i. to live.
voulere /vuːˈlere/ (Ten.: vouler, Eom.: voler, Mer.: buril) v.t. to want.
vous /vuːs/ (Eom.: vos, Mer.: bús) prn. you, you all. Second person plural pronoun.
vousautris /vuːˈzau̯tris/ (Eom.: vozaotris) prn. you, you all. Second person plural pronoun.
voustru /ˈvuːstru/ (Ten.: voustr, Eom.: vostro, Mer.: bústru) adj. your, yours. Second person plural possessive adjective.
vridu /ˈvriðu/ (Ten.: vrith, Eom.: verido, Mer.: britu) adj. green.
vrisipelje /vriziˈpeʎe/ (Ten.: vrisipel’, Eom.: verizepel, Mer.: brizipili) n.b. shape-shifter.
vrisu /ˈvrizu/ (Ten.: vriz, Eom.: verizo, Mer.: brizu) n.m. “turned, twisted” {a short form of} {{{virtecroulu}}}. Past participle of {virtere}.
vrodarju /vroˈðar̝u/ (Ten.: vrodar’, Eom.: verodario, Mer.: brutariu) n.m. dictionary.
vrodu /ˈvroðu/ (Ten.: vroth, Eom.: verodo, Mer.: brutu) n.m. word.